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M4: Insecure Authentication

Weak authentication for mobile applications is fairly prevalent due to mobile devices’ input factor: 4-digit PINs are a great example of it. Either a weak password policy due to usability requirements or authentication based on features like TouchID, make your application vulnerable. Contrary to what you may think, unlike passwords, you may be forced to give up your fingerprint.

Unless there’s a functional requirement, mobile applications do not require a back-end server to which they should be authenticated in real-time. Even when such back-end servers exist, usually users are not required to be online at all times. This poses a great challenge on mobile applications’ authentication. Whenever authentication has to happen locally, then it can be bypassed on jailbroken devices through runtime manipulation or modification of the binary.

Insecure Authentication is not only about guessable passwords, default user accounts, or data breaches. Under certain circumstances, the authentication mechanism can also be bypassed and the system will fail to identify the user and log its (malicious) activity. Usually in this scenario, users will gain access to sensitive functionalities, since the system will also fail to validate its role, highlighting problems with the authorization controls as well.

The movie below shows an Insecure Authentication exploitation on Kotlin Goat

Now it is time to improve the application by establishing a strong password policy and storing authentication data safely. We will keep authentication data locally, since not all applications have a back-end server to handle it. When such a back-end exists, the password policy should be the same on both sides. Optionally, password “strength” validation can be delegated to the back-end.

The PasswordHelper object implements OWASP recommendations for Password Strength:


object PasswordHelper {

     * Performs given password validation according to OWASP proper password strength
     * @link
    fun strength (password: String): Boolean {
        var complexityRulesMatches: Int = 0

        if (!length(password)) {
            return false

        // Password must meet at least 3 out of the following 4 complexity rules
        if (hasAtLeastOneUppercaseLetter(password)) {

        if (hasAtLeastOneLowercaseLetter(password)) {

        if (hasAtLeastOneDigit(password)) {

        if (hasAtLeastOneSpecialChar(password)) {

        if (complexityRulesMatches < 3) {
            return false

        if (!noMoreThanTwoIdenticalCharsInARow(password)) {
            return false

        return true
    // ...

PasswordHelper.strength() is then called from signupAttempt() on Goatlin SignupActivity (source):

// ...
class SignupActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
    // ...
    private fun attemptSignup() {
        val name: String =
        val email: String =
        val password: String = this.password.text.toString()
        val confirmPassword: String = this.confirmPassword.text.toString()

        // test password strength
        if (!PasswordHelper.strength(password)) {
            this.password.error = """|Weak password. Please use:
                                  |* both upper and lower case letters
                                  |* numbers
                                  |* special characters (e.g. !"#$%&')
                                  |* from 10 to 128 characters sequence""".trimMargin()
        // ...
    // ...

Although the passwords are now stronger, they’re still stored as clear text on a database. Someone with access to the device is still able to retrieve and read database records. To address this issue, we will store a salted version of username and password.

In the case of password storage, OWASP recommends the following algorithms: bcrypt, PDKDF2, Argon2 and scrypt. These can enable hashing and salting passwords in a robust way.

We’ll use bcrypt, which should be satisfactory for most situations. The advantages of bcrypt is that it’s simpler to use. Therefore, it is less error-prone.

After adding jBCrypt as a dependency to have access to a bcrypt implementation, we just need to make two small changes to Goatlin. First is the attemptSignup() method of SignupActivity so that passwords are stored as a salted hash (source):

// ...
class SignupActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
    // ...
     * Attempts to create a new account on back-end
    private fun attemptSignup() {
        // hashing password
        val hashedPassword: String = BCrypt.hashpw(password, BCrypt.gensalt())
        val account: Account = Account(name, email, hashedPassword)
        // ...

And the second one is the UserLoginTask doInBackground() method to compare a provided password with the stored one using Bcrypt.checkpw() method (source):

// ...
class LoginActivity : AppCompatActivity(), LoaderCallbacks<Cursor> {
    // ...
    inner class UserLoginTask internal constructor(private val mUsername: String, private val mPassword: String) : AsyncTask<Void, Void, Boolean>() {
        override fun doInBackground(vararg params: Void): Boolean? {
            if ((mUsername == "Supervisor") and (mPassword == "MySuperSecretPassword123!")){
                return true
            else {
                val account:Account = DatabaseHelper(applicationContext).getAccount(mUsername)
                if (BCrypt.checkpw(mPassword, account.password)) {
                    // ...
                // ...

Keep in mind that this is just a brief overview of Insecure Authentication. Especially if you’re doing local authentication, we highly recommend that you carefully read sections M8: Code Tampering and M9: Reverse Engineering.


